It is time for all to sit down and get ready to ready Antonio's seventh column which relates to; Light & Love! Now here is the introduction written by Antonio along with two original poems, cheers!
poetry duo was realized quite recently, both poems having been written
at a quiet time late at night.
The poems resonate an allegiance to and inspiration from the divine,
arising from my theological interest and Christian faith. I hope that
you can, in some way, connect with the themes and vibe of the poetry.
How this day passes
From one to the next,
Hopefully leading
To what we need best.
We believe this truth
Of time yet unseen.
The faith and the love,
His light will still beam.
(c)Antonio Rullez 2016
"His Love"
His love that rises feeds the soul,
Frees the spirit and the mind,
An enlightened journey no longer hidden,
No longer bound, not blind.
Oh the rush of thought and iniquity That had wildly ensued,
Is gently whittled away by humble prayer,
Good will and good news!
(c)Antonio Rullez 2017